Christer is telling the story of his enlightenment
“The first glimpse of awakening, seeing and living in a true state of being, happened when I was 14 years old. It stayed for a couple of weeks and then faded away. It came as a total surprise, I didn’t know anything about awakening at that time. But now I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life finding out the truth of my life.
But even seeing love and bliss as the true nature of our being is not the end. Discovering different aspects of truth, how it really is, never ends.
What happened next was a transformation of the body, a beautiful process that went on for a while. The body was seen as a single warm alive vibration of being, joy, peace and love. Fulfillment
I went into different kinds of therapy, believing that maybe something needs to be purified, released, taken away, in order to see the truth, but no truth was seen. I went into different kind of energy work, healing, chakra cleansing, deeksha etc., but no truth was seen.

After being with yet another teacher, assisting him for several years, going around the world, I finally ended up in Tiruvannamalai, in the south of India, sitting alone in total silence, in some kind of a meditation, for 18 months.
No books, no group meetings, no thinking about enlightenment and no teacher. But still no insights into the truth of life.
After 18 months in meditation there was an extreme exhaustion and desperation arising, after having tried to get it for 30 years. Then all practices suddenly stopped, working with therapeutic issues stopped, no more suggestions how to proceed came, I just sat, everything just was as it was, no interfering with anything happened, and not following any thought. Doing absolutely nothing.

After 4 days in this state the truth suddenly showed itself, by itself, in a quite dramatic way, and there was a knowing that this is it. Total peace, bliss and love came, freedom, relaxation, beauty, existence – and it never went away. It was realized that using exercises for 30 years, reading books and going into therapy had actually been postponing the awakening.
However, this was not the end, it was only the beginning. After spending 18 more months in silence in Tiruvannamalai, I went to the Canary Islands where another main discovery was made, seeing that all is actually one, there is no inside and outside. There is no separation.
More and more discoveries were made, one after another. Back in India again, a third discovery was made - seeing that really there is no seeing that all is one. There is only being, having the quality of being one.

And the next shift was even more transformatory - it was seen that the true nature of our alive being is not only one, but that it is total infinite love. And that is bliss.
I began meditation when I was 22 years old, and was very much with an enlightened teacher during the next few years.
But no truth was seen.

I also studied enlightenment from a scientific point of view, ending up writing a thesis on enlightenment as the part of a PhD examination within philosophy. But no truth was seen.
All guidance of people in individual and group sessions is based only on own discoveries of the truth.

It is actually not any "me" guiding people to see the truth of their life, it is the truth itself who is guiding seekers to discover itself inside the seeker, to see what life really is, and to start living it permanently in daily life."
It just needs to be discovered, right here, right now