Enlightenment ACTIVATION
by Christer
Activation of Enlightenment
is a very important tool that we offer. It is used to enliven the freedom state that you are already living in, and which is just hidden for the moment because of some misunderstandings about your life.
Activation of Enlightenment is a very important tool that we offer. It is used to enliven the freedom state that you are already living in, and which is just hidden for the moment because of some misunderstandings about your life.
You discover that you have always been free, have always been in the state of joy of just existing, living, untouched by what happens in the personal story. Now you start to enjoy this story, seeing that you are not a responsible "me" inside the story - not that "me" who needs to fix life, who is worried about the future, who needs to improve the present moment and who is not good enough.
You discover the truth of your life and start to live this truth as a permanent state of enlightenment.
Enlightenment Activation both awakens you to the peace and joy within you and shows you that freedom is also here in daily activity, on the outside as well. It shows you that there is no inside or outside, that reality is one, and this oneness is pure love. And this is what you are - pure being, existing, enjoying, experiencing and loving.
You are home.
Activation takes place by Christer seeing your enlightened state from his inner vision, on an individual level. And with this seeing your freedom place is getting enlivened, it starts to vibrate and begins to break through into your consciousness.
Activation is given by Christer at every group session and at individual sessions on request. 10-days retreat course is also based on it.

One more tool to have a boost in your enlightenment process is to get 15 minutes' Activations for 3 days in a row. It's had amazing effects on many people, almost a miracle in some cases. You can book 3 short daily sessions with no talk (online or live), if you request directly at Christer's private WhatsApp
